Bellingham Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan Updates

This experience is best when used on a computer rather than a phone.

The City of Bellingham is currently working on updating the Pedestrian Master Plan and Bicycle Master Plan to identify steps toward expanding on the existing network and further creating a safe, well-connected and attractive walking and biking environment for all members of the community.

We have developed this survey and web map to hear about your experience and ideas for continuing to improve biking and walking for everyone in Bellingham. We also want to know about areas that are challenging to navigate for kids, older adults and persons with disabilities.

First, please answer a few questions about you and your biking and walking experience. Then you will be directed to a map where you can show us your thoughts and suggestions for continuing to improve walking and biking facilities in Bellingham.

If you have any questions, contact

Don't want to share your information?
Skip ahead to the map.

¿No quiere compartir su información?
Pase directo al mapa.

Não quer compartilhar suas informações?
Ir diretamente para o mapa.


Walking and Biking in Bellingham

Show us the locations that could be made safer and more comfortable with design improvements. Click on one of the buttons, draw on the map, and then answer the question that appears.

If you have difficulty using the map, please email your suggestions to

Tell us what's missing. Tap one of the buttons, draw on the map, and then answer the questions that appear.

All done? Simply close your browser when you're finished leaving comments.

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Click on a proposed feature to add feedback specific to that proposal. Clicking on legend items will toggle those features on and off. You can use the + and - signs on the map or your mouse's scroll wheel to zoom in to see neighborhoods and the proposed locations in greater detail. The map's layers icon allows you to switch to a satellite imagery basemap. Search for a specific address using the search
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