Billings Safe Routes to School

Welcome to the Online Map for the Billings Safe Routes to School Project!

This experience is best when used on a computer rather than a phone. The webmap will not work correctly on Internet Explorer

The Billings Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) is conducting a Safe Routes to School Study to identify ways to improve walking and biking conditions for elementary school students in Billings. We need your input to learn about what you (or your kids) would need to walk or bike to school more.

To add comments to the map, please sign in by adding your email in the box below and clicking on “continue to map.” A short survey will pop up before editing is active. Your email is not required, but it will be helpful if we have questions about your suggestions.

For more information send an email to

Hit "Let's go!" to get started.

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Skip ahead to the map.

¿No quiere compartir su información?
Pase directo al mapa.

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Ir diretamente para o mapa.


Walking and Biking to School in Billings

Use the "Trips" tab to tell us about your trip to school. Use the "Problems" tab to add your own points and lines with comments including any information you would like us to know about those locations.

Clicking on legend items will toggle those features on and off. You can use the + and - signs on the map or your mouse's scroll wheel to zoom in to see neighborhoods and the proposed locations in greater detail. The map's layers icon allows you to switch to a satellite imagery basemap. Search for a specific address using the search

Tell us what's missing. Tap one of the buttons, draw on the map, and then answer the questions that appear.

All done? Simply close your browser when you're finished leaving comments.

Legend Leyenda Legenda រូបភាពតំណាង

EN ES PT ខ្មែរ
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