The public input period is now closed. Thank you for your feedback!
Click a proposed route on the map to leave a comment. Tell us if you like the proposed route or if it needs to be improved or altered. In addition to the proposed routes, future designs will also explore opportunities to improve key intersections.
At a minimum, we’re asking everyone to give feedback on your top five favorite routes. Feel free to leave as many comments as you’d like (in addition to your top five).
Thanks for reviewing the current proposals for improving biking, scooting, skating and rolling!
Tell us what's missing. Tap one of the buttons, draw on the map, and then answer the questions that appear.
All done? Simply close your browser when you're finished leaving comments.
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该地图与 Internet Explorer 不兼容。 请使用其他浏览器。
GoogleIf you skipped the questionnaire and want to go back, click here.
This map shows three networks: pedestrian, bicycle, or transit. You can turn each layer on or off by clicking on their names in the legend. Click on a route (a thick line or point on the map) to see more information about it, or leave a comment.
You can also add comments anywhere on the map. To do so, use the drawing buttons. Press the Escape key or click Cancel to erase your drawing.