Presidio Slow Streets

Welcome to the Presidio Slow Streets Webmap!

This experience is best when used on a computer rather than a phone.

The public engagement period, November of 2021, is now closed. You can still visit the map to see the comments by clicking the "Go to Map" button below.

The Presidio Slow Streets program was established to create more space for everyone to walk, run, and bicycle safely in the park. For more information, please visit the program webpage.

Don't want to share your information?
Skip ahead to the map.

¿No quiere compartir su información?
Pase directo al mapa.

Não quer compartilhar suas informações?
Ir diretamente para o mapa.


Presidio Slow Streets

The interactive map shows comments received during the public engagement period.

To add a comment to the map:

  1. Choose a Category: Click the color button that best describes your feedback.
  2. Drop a Point: Click on the map to provide feedback about a specific location.
  3. Add a Comment in the box that pops up.
  4. Add as many comments as you would like. When you are done, just close the browser tab.

Tell us what's missing. Tap one of the buttons, draw on the map, and then answer the questions that appear.

Legend Leyenda Legenda រូបភាពតំណាង

EN ES PT ខ្មែរ
Map Tiles © Google | Leaflet |