Welcome to the Better Bike Plan Web Map!

Better Bike Plan 2025 is updating the city's bicycle network to make it safe, convenient, comfortable, and equitable. Visit bikesanjose.com to learn more. 

Thank you for sharing your input! The extended, two-month public review period for the draft proposed network has now closed. You can still use this page to review this draft of the proposed network.

If you would like to stay involved or receive more information about this project, please provide your contact details. Then, hit "Let's go!" to get started.

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Thank you for sharing your input! The extended, two-month public review period for the draft proposed network has now closed. You can still use this page to review this draft of the proposed network.

Visit bikesanjose.com to learn more. 

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Tap on a proposed bikeway (a dashed line on the map) to see more information about it.


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