Norfolk Multimodal Transportation Action Plan

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The City of Norfolk is creating a vision to make the transportation system safer and more comfortable for all modes of travel and to eliminate transportation-related deaths and serious injuries. This Multimodal Transportation Action Plan (MTAP) will work to integrate safe and comfortable walking, cycling, and other non-motorized access into transportation safety plan. As we begin our work, we want to ensure the plan reflects the community wants and needs. This survey is one way we are gathering feedback.

We're looking for your opinions on where and how the City can improve safety and access on streets, bikeways, sidewalks, and trails throughout Norfolk. Click the “Let's go!” button to start the survey. At the end of the survey, there is an interactive map that allows you to identify where you feel safe and unsafe and why. You can skip to the map at any time by clicking “skip ahead to map” at the bottom of the page. This survey automatically saves your answers; no need to click “submit” at the end.

Learn more:

Questions or comments? Please contact Anna Allen at, or at 402-844-2020.

Hit "Let's go!" to get started.

Don't want to share your information?
Skip ahead to the map.

Important Areas and Issues

The survey is now closed. You can still view the map, but you will not be able to add comments.

Use the drawing buttons to place comments to tell us about important areas and issues in Norfolk. Simply tap one of the buttons, draw on the map, and then answer the questions that appear.
You can use the + and - signs on the map or your mouse's scroll wheel to zoom in to see the map in greater detail. The map's layers icon allows you to switch to a satellite imagery basemap. Zoom to your location using the button on the map. Search for a specific address using the search icon. On a mobile device, use the mobile switch screens icon icon to toggle between the map and the controls sidebar.

Tell us what's missing. Tap one of the buttons, draw on the map, and then answer the questions that appear.

All done? Simply close your browser when you're finished leaving comments.


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